My full name is Rodrigo Volmir Rezende Anderle (a lot of names). I am a postdoctoral researcher in health economics in a realy nice project called DSAIDS, about the effects of Social Determinants of Health on HIV/AIDS. I have PhD in Applied Economics by the Federal University of Bahia, and a Master degree in Regional Economis by the Federal University of Pernambuco. My undergrad was also in Economics at the University of Caxias do Sul. I really like the idea of considering myself as a researcher. I like to work with data, econometric and bibliometric analysis. But, my method of interest at the moment is model simulation, particularly agent-based model. I really like the Complex Systems/Science approach and I am always trying to implement this view in my framework.
I am still trying to conciliate work, research and life. I like to fool myself about this, but I would like to live in a comfortable zone where I can all these dimensions set well together. Also, I would like to help to build a better world. Probably a world where we can conciliate life, work and anything else. I am also a fresh fater and husband. Its of my desire to make this blog an intersection between these dimensions and see what we got from this.
Previously to this blog, I already tried other ones. One more focus on regional economics analysis, where I was trying to find a way to implement what I have learned in my master and get some money withou have a fix job. Didn’t work. The other was another try to implement some of my expertisse using R-Bookdown. It was nice, but at some point I didn’t have the energy to follow. Now, I am here starting all over again. For some reason, I think is more interesting to start over than recover older things. Well, let’s do it again!
Almost forgot, this is me: